p177, Speakout upper Resources

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Functional language: adding emphasis
Sherpa’s cleaning up rubbish left by climbers on Mount Everest have found the camera of George
Mallory, a British climber who died on the mountain in 1924. Mountaineering’s biggest unsolved
mystery is whether he and partner, Andrew Irving, were the first to reach the peak. Both died on the
descent. Mallory’s body was found in 1999 but not his camera. The perfectly preserved film seems to
show the pair at the summit twenty-nine years earlier than the successful 1953 expedition.
Black’s news agency
One of Italy’s most famous monuments, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, has collapsed. The fifty-five-metre-
tall tower had been leaning since its construction in 1173. It was reopened in 2001 after two decades of
work and was declared ‘stable’ for another 300 years. There are reports of the ground shaking before
it collapsed and some are blaming a minor earthquake. Some tourists caught the collapse on their
mobiles and cameras. A spokesperson for the monument said it would be rebuilt, leaning!
SANA’s news agency
A giant anaconda, over twenty metres long, has been shot in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Villagers had reported a giant snake in the river and complained it had been eating their cattle. This
was ignored by the local police until they encountered it whilst looking for a missing child. It was shot,
opened up but the remains of the child were not found in the stomach. She was found alive and well at
a relative’s house. The previous largest reliable measurement of an anaconda was about nine metres in
Black’s news agency
Scientists have grown a baby mammoth using DNA found in a frozen mammoth in Siberia. Finding
completely frozen mammoths is not unusual but the DNA is usually unuseable. However, three years
ago, scientists found usable mammoth DNA in a well-preserved specimen. It was implanted into
unfertilised Asian Elephant eggs, fertilised and implanted into a female. The mammoth, a male, was
born two days ago, but died today. The last mammoth to die before this was 4000 years ago.
Glock’s news agency
American astronomers have discovered that an asteroid, 5km in diameter, may collide with the Earth in
2028. Previously, the next big asteroid impact was expected in March 2788. It will be equivalent to ten
million megatons of TNT and leave a crater ninety-five kilometres across. For comparison, the largest
nuclear weapon was just fifty megatons. Scientists hope that technology will be available to destroy the
asteroid before in reaches Earth and we can avoid the greatest catasthrophe in modern times.
USN’s news agency
Tattoist Jed Michaels has had his whole face tattooed purple, including his ears and eyelids. Jed said he
loved his new colour but having his eyelids tattoed was quite painful. Asked why he did it, he just said
he liked the colour and thought it suited him. Jed has been getting tattoes done since he was fourteen.
Asked if he might regret it, he said he has regretted some, his worse one is Mickey Mouse playing
drums on his leg but he thinks the best one is now his face.
USN’s news agency
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