p176, Speakout upper Resources

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Grammar: reported speech
Student A
Record company Executive Assistant
Student B
AWOL’s Manager
You are an assistant for a record company executive at
AGM Records. AWOL is your most important band but its
lead singer, Vinnie, recently disappeared moments before
the start of the first concert of their world tour.
You are the manager of a famous band called AWOL.
The lead singer, Vinnie, recently disappeared moments
before the start of the first concert of their world tour.
The tour has been cancelled and the record company are
absolutely furious. The band is also upset about Vinnie’s
behaviour and you are worried about his mental state. You
also know that if the band split up you lose your job.
The company has no idea where he is. The tour has been
cancelled and your boss is absolutely furious and really
anxious to know the situation, especially when the band can
resume the tour.
You spoke to Vinnie yesterday, made some notes on what
he said. You now have a meeting with the assistant of the
record company boss to report what Vinnie said.
Your boss has sent you to have a meeting with the band
manager. You’ve made notes on the things your boss has
said and wants to find out. You are going to report these to
the band manager and find out some answers.
Try and sort out the situation so both sides are happy.
Try and sort out the situation so both sides are happy.
Vinnie said:
‘I don’t want to leave the band – I love
the guys.’
Your boss said:
‘The cancelled tour will cost $25m and
might bankrupt the company.’
‘I don’t want to do the tour now –
maybe in the summer.’
‘The tour absolutely must go ahead.’
‘I split up with my girlfriend of two
years just before the concert. I couldn’t
face doing the show.’
‘When is AWOL going to resume the
‘Is it possible for the guitarist to sing
instead? He told me yesterday he
‘I told the band I wasn’t doing the
‘I’m addicted to the prescription drugs I
was taking for my stage fright and need
some time in rehab.’
‘We’ll sue the band and terminate its
contract at the end of the year, if they
don’t tour.’
‘I want to be left alone and not see
anyone until next week.’
‘Can I see Vinnie in person or can he
phone me immediately?’
‘I’m not suicidal.’ (but he does seem
very depressed)
‘Why didn’t he didn’t speak to the
manager or the band if he had a
problem about something?’
‘Can I get $10,000? I’ve spent all my
‘What’s Vinnie’s mental state? Is he
going to kill himself?’
‘Can we remix the album? It could be
so much better.’
© Pearson Education Limited 2011
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