ost 38, 0 Scale trains

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//-->OScaleTrainsCelebratingthe art of1:48 modelingMAGAZINEMay/June 2008uIssue #38Display until June 30, 2008US $6.95• Can $8.95NEW!PULLMAN 8-1-2 SLEEPERS IN ABSGolden Gate Depot is producing 8-1-2 Sleepers in ABS Plastic, in a limited road names. Available inPullman, PRR, NYC TTG and Unlettered Pullman Green.Arriving in 2008 for$129.95per Car.NYC 20th Century Limited 1938Set A:RPO/Baggage 5018Diner 6814-4-2 Imperial HighlandsObservation Manhattan Is.Set B:Dorm/Club Century Club17-Roomette City of Albany10-5 Cascade Dawn13-Double Bedroom Cuyahoga CountySet C:Diner 68217-Roomette City of Chicago10-5 Cascade Glory4-4-2 Imperial FallsAvailable in Fall 2008 for$599.95 (RESERVE PRICE)per 4 Car Set54’ STEEL REEFERSAlso:HW DINER / OBSERVATIONIn all the roads to go with your GGD Cars.Coming 2008/2009. Sold in Sets.REA GreenREA ORIGACLGNB&OPull-GreenNYCSFA LEVELOFDETAILUNMATCHED- NYC ESE: 6 Car Set, 2 Car Add On ($549.95 / $279.95) May 2008- Santa Fe 1937 Super Chief: 6 Car Set, 2 Car Add On ($549.95 / $279.95) June 2008- Southern Pacific Daylight: 5 Car, 5 Articulated Add On ($549.95 / $549.95) Late 2008- PRR Fleet of Mod. 2 Tone Tuscan: 5 Car Set, 2 Car Add On ($549.95 / $279.95) Late 2008PRR Post War Tuscan: 5 Car Set, 2 Car Add On ($549.95 / $279.95) Late 2008Scale Trucks - Scale Underbody - Scale Interior Details - Overhead Lighting - 054 Track or LargerGGD Aluminum SetsLITTLEPEOPLE(1930S-1950S)40 Seated $29.95HIGHLY DETAILED+ $5 S&H (1-4 PACKS)100 TON CONCRETECOALING TOWERComing 2009Reserve Today$249.95 MSRP231 MARKETPLACE, SUITE223 SANRAMON, CA 94583www.goldengatedepot.com / FAX: (408) 904-5849Celebratingthe art of1:48 modelingIssue #38May/June 2008Vol. 7 - No.3Editor-in-Chief/PublisherJoe Giannovariojag@oscalemag.comOFeatures410151721294245526264Everywhere West!Toivo’s GarageScaleTrainsMAGAZINEArt DirectorJaini Giannovariojaini@oscalemag.comManaging EditorMike Cougilleditor@oscalemag.comAdvertising ManagerJeb Kriigeljeb@oscalemag.comCustomerServiceSpike BeagleComplaintsL’il BearContributorSTedByrneGeneClemenTsCareyHinCHHoBod. HirailernevillerossiTerroGerC. ParkerSubscription rates: 6 issuesuS - Periodical Class DeliveryuS - First Class Delivery (1 year only)Canada/MexicooverseasuS$35uS$45uS$55uS$80A Modular CB&Q Layout from Germany described by Bernd Jogwich.Scratchbuilding Grandmas and Grandpa’s HouseRay Grosser describes how his wife, Renee, built this great structure.Tricks ’n Tips: Replacement Diesel Drive ComponentsBrian Scace details new sprockets for older Weaver Diesel drives.A neat structure cobbled up by Charles Purin from a Clever Bros. kit.Fine Tuning Golden Gate Depot’s B&O PullmanStock out of the box wasn’t good enough for Ed Bommer.Modern Loads for the Weaver FlatcarWhat’s being loaded on flatcars today? Gene Clements has the answer.Pieces of the Puzzle — Part 2Mike Cougill continues his discussion of layout design philosophy.Custom Backgrounds for LayoutsYou asked; we deliver. Andy Romano describes how he made hisbackdrops on the Ironbound RR.Sweeper/Track CleanerA nifty piece of MoW equipment designed and built by Gerald Brothers.Visa, MC, AMEX & Discover accepted. Call 610-363-7117 duringEastern time business hours. Dealers contact KalmbachPublishing, 800-558-1544 ext 818 or email tss@kalmbach.comAdvertisers call for info.www.oscalemag.com • ©2008 All rights reservedPrinted in the u.S.A.2008 Chicago March Meet Contest Winners2008 O Scale National Previewo Scale trains Magazine, iSSn 1536-9528, uSPS 24457,ispublished bi-monthly in January, March, May, July, Septem-ber and November byOSTMagazine, PO Box 289, ExtonPA 19341-0289. Subscription rates: US Periodical Mail,$35 per year, US First Class Mail, $45 per year; Canada orMexico, $55 per year; Overseas, $80 per year. Postage paidat West Chester, Pa., and additional mailing offices.PoSt-MAStErsend address changes to O Scale Trains Magazine,PO Box 289, Exton PA 19341-0289.Departments91925273133395568686970The Art of Finescale – Mike CougillTraction Action – Roger ParkerConfessions of a HiRailer – Hobo D. HirailerThe Modern Image – Gene ClementsModeler’ ShowcaseThe Workshop – Neville RossiterReader FeedbackProduct News & ReviewsBuy-Sell-Trade AdsEvents ListingAdvertiser IndexObservations – Joe GiannovarioMay/June ’08 - O Scale Trains • 3Contributors:O Scale Trains welcomes your feature articles,photos, and drawings. Such material should be sent to the aboveaddress for possible publication. If we accept, you will be notifiedimmediately. For more information concerning article preparationguidelines, please send an SASE to the above address andrequest our “Guide For Authors” or visit our website at: www.oscalemag.com.Cover: Stopfor the dog – and now what? The crew of # 280ponders what to do about a very stubborn pooch protecting “his”crossing. The scene is from the AG-7/11’s CB&Q modular O Scalelayout from Germany featured in this issue.Centerspread:Mixed #618 waits for a train order on the AG-7/11’sCB&Q modular O Scale layout from Germany.Everywhere West!A ModularCB&QLayout from GermanyBernd Jogwich1GP38 #712 passes under a busy highway towing a long freight.Our model railroad club was founded in 1964 by members of the former Ger-man Model Railroader’s Association (D.M.V.) of the GDR. Our latest project, an OScale modular layout, was modeled after a U.S. prototype: the Chicago Burlington& Quincy. After many years of operating in TT-scale, we looked for new ideas forthe future. We are more interested in older trains and equipment, especially fromthe late 1960s. After several months of brainstorming, an O Scale layout becamethe clear choice in a pool of four projects, so we went for it.2Safety first always – on switching too!After extensive research and planning,we began to construct the five mainsegments of the layout. All the moduleswere built by the members from block-board. Our layout dimensions are 11.5m x 4.9 m or in English measurements37’ 9” x 16’ 1” (Figure 1).Most of the track and switches camefrom AtlasO. For noise insulation we laidcork strips under the track. All switchesare powered with a servo and controlledby DCC-switch-decoders from MB-Tronik.The substructure of the scenery wasshaped from paper maché. For detailingwe use Woodland Scenics’ turf and foli-age, plus material from HEKI along withreal materials like sawdust. All of thebuildings were scratchbuilt by the mem-bers, except for the tower and café whichare commercially produced buildings.The core section of the layout formsthe junction at Serena, Illinois, whichis equipped with two industrial sidings.Later we’ll set up a four-track staging andfive curved-track sections. We requirea continuous loop to connect the junc-4 • O Scale Trains - May/June ’08Figure 1Arrows indicatephoto locations.3An SW 1200 is pushingseveral cars to the fruitdispatch company.Is there any problem?No; only an inspection on thelight Pacific.4May/June ’08 - O Scale Trains • 5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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