ost 7, 0 Scale trains
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]//-->OFirst Anniversary Issue: Multi-Layout SpecialMar/Apr 2003 • Issue #7 • US $8.00ScaleTrainsUS $8 • Can $10Modelingfor theO ScaleCraftsmanAnnouncing The 1947GREAT NORTHERN EMPIRE BUILDER in O ScalePrototype collection of Paul C. Winters. Similar to PSC #17365-4 lettered Empire Builder.#173651947 Great Northern Empire Builder 8 car set, factory painted and lettered EMPIRE BUILDER:(1) RPO/Baggage painted #1100, (1) 60-Seat Coach painted #1110, (1) 48-Seat Coach #1120,(1) Coffee Shop/Dormitory painted #1140, (1) Dining Car painted #1150, (1) 8-4-4 Sleeper #1160,(1) 16-4 Sleeper painted #1170 and (1) 2-1 Buffet/Lounge/Observation painted #1190.#17365-1RPO/Baggage car painted Empire Builder colors, #1101, #1102 and #1104.#17365-248-Seat Coach painted Empire Builder colors, #1121 thru #1131.#17365-360-Seat Coach painted Empire Builder colors #1111, #1112, and #1113.#17365-4Coffee Shop/Dormitory car painted Empire Builder colors #1141, #1142 and #1143.#17365-5Dining car painted Empire Builder colors #1151, #1152 and #1153.#17365-6Sleeper 8-4-4 painted Empire Builder colors #1161 thru #1166.#17365-7Sleeper 16-4 painted Empire Builder colors #1171 thru #1177.#17365-8Buffet/Lounge/Observation 2-1 painted Empire Builder colors #1191, #1192 and #1193.Precisely handcrafted brass models, painted and lettered EMPIRE BUILDER.*Full Interiors with all new PSC tooling *Interior Shades *Complete Detailed Underbodies*Lighting System *Sprung and Equalized Trucks *Working Doors and VestibuleO Scale SOUTHERN PACIFIC 4-8-4 GS-4 and GS-5Prototype photo by Richard H. Kindig. Similar to PSC #17345-1#17345#17345-1#17345-2#17347#17347-1#17347-2S.P 4-8-4 GS-4 with skyline casing and skirts. No paint..Same, painted #4444 Daylight with large SP lettering.Same, painted #4449 Daylight as running today.S.P 4-8-4 GS-4 with skyline casing, no skirts. No paint..Same, painted #4436 black and graphite with large SP.Same, painted #4439 Daylight cab and tender with large SP.#17349#17349-1#17349-2#17351#17351-1S.P 4-8-4 GS-5, skyline casing & skirts. No paint..Same, painted #4458 Daylight with small SP Lines.Same, painted #4458 Daylight with large SP lettering.S.P 4-8-4 GS-5, skyline casing, no skirts. No paint..Same, painted #4459 black & graphite w/large SP.See your local Hobby Shop and reserve yours today!Modelingfor theO ScaleCraftsmanIssue #7Mar/Apr 2003Vol. 2, No. 2OFeatures4791226313638535457ScaleTrainsIt's Yer Last Chance-Layout Conteston page 18Vine Street YardA twig off a branch, Marshall Vine, U.K.Lighting For layoutsSome illuminating thoughts by Carey HinchGrade Crossing Electronics For O ScaleDon Woodwell fills us in the behind the scenes electronics needed.PRSL O Scale layout At Tuckahoe, N.J.John P. Dunn, Sr., on the development of a great club layoutPainting A Keystone Model Works HopperHarry A Hieke, Jr., shares techniques he uses when custom painting.Bob & Elizabeth Jakl’s Mariposa O Scale LayoutThis mammoth layout dwarfs most club pikes.How Long Have I Wanted One of Those?Need a part? Make it yourself like Bob Garrelts did.Build a PRR E-1, Part 2John Sauers tackles the boiler.Where the Eagle Meets the ChiefDay 3 of the 2003 O Scale National Convention.MetroWest Modules, Part 2Corner and transition modules, by Jimi Smith.Lionel Milk Reefer ConversionDick Bregler & Joe Giannovario do a 3 rail to 2 rail conversion.Editor/PublisherJoe GiannovarioArt DirectorJaini SimonContributing EditorsBobber GibbsJohn C. SmithGene DeimlingBrian ScaceTed ByrneNeville RossiterSubscription Rates: 6 issuesUnited StatesUS$36Canada/MexicoUS$55OverseasUS$80Mastercard & Visa acceptedCall 610-321-0858 duringEastern time business hoursDealers write for terms.Advertisers write for informationor visit our website.O Scale Trains ISSN 1536-9528www.oscalemag.comPublished bimonthly (6 times a year) byO Scale Trains Magazine,PO Box 238, Lionville PA 19353-0238© 2003 OST All Rights ReservedPrinted in the U.S.A.Contributors:O Scale Trainswelcomes your feature articles, photos, anddrawings. Such material should be sent to theabove address for possible publication. If weaccept, you will be notified immediately. Formore information concerning article preparationguidelines, please send an SASE to the aboveaddress and request our “Guide For Authors”or visit our website.COVER:It’s 1899 and out of the early morningmists of New Jersey comes a PRR crack pas-senger train loaded with vacationers headedfor Atlantic City. PRR E-1 by John Sauers.Scene and photo by K. Jeb Kriigel exclusivelyfor O Scale Trains Magazine.OST is a proud Member of the ModelRailroad Industry AssociationDepartments1519202142454648494949506062Easements for the Learning Curve - Brian ScaceOST Dealers ListNarrow Minded – Bobber GibbsReader Feedback – Letters to the EditorProduct News & Reviews – SP Freight Car Book, Lionel PS-1 BoxcarProto48 – Gene DeimlingCrapola From The Cupola – John C. SmithBuy, Sell,Trade AdsO Scale Hall of Fame – Ed AlexanderThe Workshop – Neville RossiterAd indexEvents ListingModeler’s ShelfObservations – Joe GiannovarioO Scale Trains •3Vine Street Yard -A TWIG OFF A BRANCH!Marshall VineThe Kingsbury Terminal Railroad (OST #5) is generallyaccepted as a small layout for O scale, but after it had been inexistence for three years, and had been exhibited at a numberof shows, thoughts turned to seeing if an even smaller layoutcould be built. It is quite easy to arrange a small layout if itonly consists of a single on scene track, but the operatingpotential is then rather limited, (and can be very boring!).What I was after was a bit more ambitious, a complete smallyard with a run round track, spurs serving as many industriesas possible, and off scene staging, and all this in as small aspace as could be managed! After a great deal of thought andmany rough sketches of possible track plans, it seemed that alayout about half the size of Kingsbury was a real possibility.The result is Vine Street Yard.This apparent impossibility was made much easier by adevice which is commonly used on small layouts over here,the sector plate. This serves the dual function of being offscene staging yard and pointwork for as many convergingtracks as are required by the plan. On Vine Street, it completesthe run round loop as well. It is a really useful system, savingvast amounts of space which would be taken up with points.Being totally unprototypical though, it does, of course, have tobe off scene, and here the modeled tracks disappear under awide overbridge and a factory flat, but it’s use means that youcan get away with almost anything. Looking at the layout planit will be seen that, other than over the sector plate, the spuralong the back of the layout has no actual connection with therest of the trackwork, yet from the scenic side of the layout,screened by the bridge and backscene, it all seems perfectly4•O Scale Trainsacceptable. The old type Atlas two foot radius turnouts alsohelped to reduce the layout length although their use meanthaving to accept a rather heavy rail section. The end resultthough, is a very workable little layout only just over sevenfeet long.One of the aims of the British Gauge 0 Guild, of which Iam a member, is to show not only that 0 scale modeling neednot take up vast amounts of room, but that it needn’t be tooexpensive, so this layout, already fulfilling the small size crite-ria, was to be built very much on the cheap. (It was alsointended to be built as quickly as possible, but here thingsstarted to go a bit wrong as a serious illness caused a ninemouth delay!) For speed of construction ready made itemswere used whenever possible, hence the secondhand Atlastrackwork, with the three turnouts modified so that they can beoperated by cheap and cheerful push/pull rods from the rear.Most of the yard sheds were from the Plasticville Hobo Jungleset, while the yard tower, water tower and girder bridge areLionel plastic kits. One craftsman type kit in the form ofSonny’s shack did creep in, mainly because I already had onewhich was looking for a good home! The factory backsceneswhich run right along the rear of the layout would have takenmuch time to scratch build, but instead two of the buildings inthe excellent Westport Modelworks sheets appeared ideal. Thechosen sheets were used in multiple and cut about to produce areasonably convincing result. One of the more major changesmade to one of them was to enlarge the loading door of onebuilding so that a standard boxcar could go inside. The printedroller shutter door was mounted on a piece of thin plywoodand can be opened with aOperator Spacelength of string from behindthe layout. Closing is by cour-tesy of gravity! Hi-tech thistorSeclayout is not!!leOn such a small layout theTabelectrical arrangements aresimilarly low key. There is notreally room to operate morethan one loco at a time so thereis only one controller,7'3"Vine Street Yardalthough a number of isolatingO Scaledrawing not to scalesections mean that other locoscan be held if needed. In spiteLike its larger brother, Vine Street has now attended a num-of this simplicity the layout is quite difficult to operate, asbeing so small it is all too easy to get yourself tied up in knots ber of shows. For transport it simply closes in half to form awhile switching even only a couple of cars. Add the Scale Test large box with the layout protected on the inside. Simple itCar, (see the article on Kingsbury in OST #5), and life can may be, but its operation is sufficiently challenging that evenreally get complicated. Throw in at this point the interested after a couple of days of operation it is still not boring. Likespectator who always asks a question at a critical moment and Kingsbury we occasionally invite guest operators, and at arecent show one young lad had to be pried off of it!the temptation to take up knitting can be quite strong!Although the layout is entirely freelance, as with KingsburyThe usual Kadee magnets are placed where needed on thelayout but due to the very sharp curves, in some places the we always assume that it is based on the outskirts of Chicago.couplings occasionally need a little help in separating or in lin- The name was originally chosen at short notice when it neededing up for coupling. A long electrician’s screwdriver with a a name for its first exhibition. Vine Street sounded right, soslightly modified blade is used to tweak the couplings when stuck, but because of my own name and for no other reason. Inecessary. One magnet is sited on the very end of the sector was therefore more than a little surprised to find out later thatnot only is there a Vine Street in Chicago, but it is only a blockplate so it can serve whichever track it is lined up with.Mainly due to the sharp turnouts, the choice of motive or so off the end of the real Kingsbury Branch!! How’s that forpower on the layout needed a bit of care. Things are further coincidence.Finally, the Editor permitting, I would like to thank all thosecomplicated by the fact that the Atlas points have large deadfrogs which can cause some smaller locos to stall. However, who make possible my little ventures into the 0 scale Ameri-enough locos are at home on the layout to give a bit of variety can scene. The main suppliers, both Trains Etc. in Ohio, forand these include several smaller brass models such as a the many odd bits and pieces, and Norm’s Trains in Maine, forMinarets 2-8-2T, a USRA 0-60, a Climax and a two truck locos and stock, have helped from the beginning, and withoutShay. There are a couple of small diesels as well, and one of them it is true to say that things would have been next toLee Snover’s little critters is a most useful recent acquisition impossible. But thanks are also due to many other people whoand this copes admirably with dead frogs almost as long as its have sent items from time to time, including those met morewheelbase, probably due to having all wheels sprung. One or recently on Ebay. With their assistance quite a number of inter-other of my largerlocomotives doesstill make anappearance though,but relegated tobeing a piece ofscenery! Displayedon the overbridge,it helps to drawattention from thetracksrunningimmediately ontothe sector table.O Scale Trains •52'0" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]