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//-->OAnd The Winner is...Layout Contest ResultsScaleTrainsModelingfor theO ScaleCraftsmanJuly/Aug 2003 • Issue #9 • US $8.00US $8 • Can $10USDisplay until Aug. 31stDisplay until Aug. 31stPrecisely Handcrafted Brass Models!O Scale CB&Q M-4a 2-10-4sPrototype photo courtesy of W. Raia Collection. Similar to PSC #17403-1#17403#17403-1#17405#17405-1#17407#17407-1CB&Q M-4a 2-10-4 as rebuilt with square cab, Elesco FWH, Mars light, disc main drivers and rollerbearings. No paint. (Separate standard smoke box without Mars light supplied.)Same, painted black and graphite #6310 and #6315.CB&Q M-4a 2-10-4 as rebuilt with sport cab,Worthington FWH, Mars light, disc main drivers androller bearings. No paint. (Separate standard smoke box without Mars light supplied.)Same, painted black and graphite #6323 and #6327.CB&Q M-4a 2-10-4 as rebuilt with square cab,Worthington FWH, disc main driver and rollerbearings. No paint.Same, painted black and graphite #6318.D o n o t h e s i t a t e t o r e s e r v e . O u r l a s t O s c a l e p ro j e c t w a s a s e l l o u t !A r e s u l t o f P S C h i g h s t a n d a rd s a n d s p e c i f i c a t i o n s !O Scale CB&Q BE-1 Express BoxcarsPrototype photo courtesy of Colorado Historical Society. Similar to PSC #17373-1.#17373#17373-1#17375#17375-1#17377#17377-1CB&Q BE-1 Express car, (ex-troop kitchen car) with Allied trucks, open windows, diaphragms,late 1940s. No paint.Same, painted Pullman green with bronze gold lettering (railroad roman).CB&Q BE-1 Express car, (ex-troop kitchen car) with A-3 ride control trucks, plated over sidewindows, no diaphragms. No paint.Same, painted Pullman green, modern lettering in Dulux gold.CB&Q BE-1 Express car, converted for freight service, with roof walk and end ladders. No paint.Same, painted Pullman green, modern lettering in Dulux gold.See Your Local Hobby Shop and Reserve Yours Today!Modelingfor theO ScaleCraftsmanIssue #9July/Aug 2003Vol. 2, No. 4OFeatures4112334385255ScaleTrainsEditor/PublisherJoe GiannovarioArt DirectorJaini SimonContributing EditorsTed ByrneGene DeimlingBobber GibbsRoger JenkinsJeb KriigelNeville RossiterBrian ScaceJohn C. SmithDon WoodwellSubscription Rates: 6 issuesUnited StatesUS$36Canada/MexicoUS$55OverseasUS$80Mastercard & Visa acceptedCall 610-363-7117 duringEastern time business hoursDealers write for terms.Advertisers write for informationor visit our website.O Scale Trains ISSN 1536-9528www.oscalemag.comPublished bimonthly (6 times a year) byO Scale Trains Magazine,PO Box 238, Lionville PA 19353-0238© 2003 OST All Rights ReservedPrinted in the U.S.A.Contributors:O Scale Trainswelcomes your feature articles, photos, and drawings.Such material should be sent to the above address forpossible publication. If we accept, you will be notifiedimmediately. For more information concerning articlepreparation guidelines, please send an SASE to theabove address and request our “Guide For Authors”or visit our website.Cover:From O Scale West: First place winner in the Steam cat-egory was Ken Bellaver from San Jose, Calif. with this SPAC-5 Cab Forward. Photo by Jim & Leonard FerreiraCenterspread:Another Harry Hieke masterpiece, this time aPrecision Scale PRR K4. Harry rebuilt the boiler and made anew smokebox and front, plus it’s superdetailed. The engine isowned by John Sczybanski. Photo by Jeb Kriigel.Design-A-Layout Contest WinnersRon Gribler’s and Steve Sansome’s winning entries.Scratch Build A Pickle CarTom Houle resurrects an oldie, but a goodie. You gotta have one.The Secrets of Lost Wax CastingsRoland Marx covers the process in broad strokes but with enoughdetail that you’d be tempted to try it yourself.Scale Command – Part 2Can TMCC™ handle reverse loops? DC power? Don Woodwell hasthe answers in Part 2 of this 3 part series.Casting Your Own PartsA perfect companion piece to the Lost Wax article, Gary Woodardshows us how he makes “cold cast” parts in polyurethane.Converting An MTH Schnabel CarThey said it couldn’t be done, but Norman Hills shows how heconverted this massive car from 3 rail to 2 rail.Modeler’s TricksBill Becker shows us how to divide any line into any number ofequal parts and Stuart Ramsey makes a simple deck plate to gobetween a steam loco and tender.Departments818204926434446485960606162Easements for the Learning Curve – Brian ScaceNarrow Minded – Bobber GibbsTraction Action – Roger JenkinsThe Workshop – Neville RossiterProduct News & ReviewsCrapola From The Cupola – John C. SmithProto48 – Gene DeimlingReader Feedback – Letters to the EditorO Scale DCC – Ted ByrneBuy, Sell,Trade AdsEvents ListingAd indexOST Dealers ListObservations – Joe GiannovarioModeler's Shelf – pages 36, 37, 50, 56, 57, 58 & 59OST is a proud Member of theModel Railroad Industry AssociationO Scale Trains •3OUnion CityBodyWorksScaleTrainssDesign-A-Layout ContestAnd The Winner Is...The Dayton & Union Branchof the Baltimore & Ohioas submitted byRon Gribler of Lebanon, OhioUnion City-North Staging-(56")Wayne FeedsDrop-Down(Duck-under)Greenville CreekBuchy Meat PackingThe Dayton and Union Branchof the Baltimore and Ohio RRWest SideGrain ElevatorGreenville, OhioUpper LevelTreaty CityCoal CompanyColetownDepotSunoco BulkOil DepotD and UDepot3rdGreenville StreetLumberMartinYardStreet PlumStreetDowntown Bldgs.on View Block4•O Scale TrainsWorkbench(30")BookshelvesDodson DepotStorageCabinetsThe Dayton and Union Branchof the Baltimore and Ohio RRStorageCabinetsGreenville, OhioLower Level12" gridRolling Stock StorageCubiclesStorageCabinetsBookshelvesEast Dayton - South Staging-Fiddle Yard-(36")Union CityDrop-DownSectionStorage AreaWorkbenchO Scale Trains •5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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